[Miniconfs] It's time to register for #lca2016 | Speaker Information Pack

Kathy Reid - Speaker Liaison, linux.conf.au 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay speakers at lcabythebay.org.au
Sat Oct 10 14:08:27 AEDT 2015

s/Speaker Ticket/Miniconf Organiser ticket

For Miniconf Organisers, choose 'Miniconf Organiser' ticket type :-)

Apologies for the oversight,
Best, K.

On 10/10/15 12:59, Kathy Reid - Speaker Liaison, linux.conf.au 2016 
Geelong - LCA By the Bay wrote:
> Dear Speakers and Miniconf Organisers,
> It's now time to register for linux.conf.au 2016 Geelong - LCA By the 
> Bay.
> https://linux.conf.au/register/info
> When registering, you MUST choose the 'Speaker' ticket type to have 
> free entry to the conference.
> Your Speaker ticket includes free entry to the Penguin Dinner and to 
> the Speakers' Dinner.
> If you requested and were granted accommodation, we'll be looking 
> after this for you, but if not you will need to book and pay for your 
> accommodation.
> https://linux.conf.au/register/accommodation
> Accommodation in hotels will be tight during the period of the 
> conference, so I encourage you to book early to avoid disappointment.
> Your Speaker Information Pack  is a detailed guide to the conference 
> audience, venue and how to deliver a great presentation.
> It is available on the Conference Wiki at;
> https://linux.conf.au/wiki/Information_for_Speakers
> (We'll be making available presentation templates at a later stage).
> If there's anything else we can assist with at this time, please don't 
> hesitate to let me know,
> With kind regards,
> Kathy Reid
> Speaker Liaison

Kathy Reid
@linuxconfau | #lca2016
linux.conf.au 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay

+61 418 130 636

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