[Miniconfs] It's time to register for #lca2016 | Speaker Information Pack

Kathy Reid - Speaker Liaison, linux.conf.au 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay speakers at lcabythebay.org.au
Sat Oct 10 12:59:18 AEDT 2015

Dear Speakers and Miniconf Organisers,

It's now time to register for linux.conf.au 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay.

When registering, you MUST choose the 'Speaker' ticket type to have free 
entry to the conference.

Your Speaker ticket includes free entry to the Penguin Dinner and to the 
Speakers' Dinner.

If you requested and were granted accommodation, we'll be looking after 
this for you, but if not you will need to book and pay for your 
Accommodation in hotels will be tight during the period of the 
conference, so I encourage you to book early to avoid disappointment.

Your Speaker Information Pack  is a detailed guide to the conference 
audience, venue and how to deliver a great presentation.
It is available on the Conference Wiki at;


(We'll be making available presentation templates at a later stage).

If there's anything else we can assist with at this time, please don't 
hesitate to let me know,

With kind regards,
Kathy Reid

Speaker Liaison

Kathy Reid
@linuxconfau | #lca2016
linux.conf.au 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay

+61 418 130 636

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