[Volunteers] Lightning talks - what you need to know and what you need to do

Kathy Reid - Team linux.conf.au 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay info at lcabythebay.org.au
Sat Jan 30 21:06:32 AEDT 2016

Hi everyone,

Are we having lightning talks 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning_talk> at linux.conf.au this 
year?! Yes we are!
What do I need to know, we hear you ask. Excellent question.

      Where do I sign up for Lightning Talks?

Here: https://linux.conf.au/wiki/Lightning_talks

      What do I need to do to prepare for my Lightning Talk?

  * We are putting all Lightning Talk slides in one pack to make it
    easier to run Lightning Talks
  * You MUST email your Lightning Talk slides to
    lightning at lcabythebay.org.au
  * Your talk slides will then be added to the master slide deck
  * The slides will be all PDFd. Please send your slides in PDF.
  * If your slides are not emailed through, you won't have them in your
    Lightning Talk.

Kind regards,
Kathy Reid

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