[Volunteers] LCA2016 Volunteer Run Sheet

David Bell info at lcabythebay.org.au
Thu Jan 21 15:25:37 AEDT 2016

Just to clarify, if you can comment in the cells of the run sheet where
you'd like your name to appear then we will make it so.

This spreadsheet pulls all of the data from another master run sheet
which we edit and is mirrored automagically into this one.


David Bell
Conference Director linux.conf.au 2016
info at lcabythebay.org.au

On 21/01/16 14:40, David Bell wrote:
> Hi Wonderful Volunteers,
> We're now about 10 days out from the conference and it would obviously
> be helpful to everyone to have some idea of where you might be able to
> help out.
> To that end, Kathy Reid has put together a run sheet for the conference
> (that lady sure does love her agendas, lists, plans, run sheets. You
> name it, if it's to do with organisation she's there) a subset of which
> is available here for you to comment where you're available and would
> like to be placed:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19XTM6FLlEluJN575M9xnwdjFBth1JX0IktkfViRf2rM/edit?usp=sharing
> First in best dressed, if you want to be in a room at a particular time
> to see a talk, being the room monitor and giving that person's
> introduction is a great chance to do just that.
> We also need some volunteers to meet people at the airport on Saturday
> and Sunday pre-conference. You'll see on the run sheet this is broken
> into a couple of shifts, these aren't fixed times but we need to make
> sure we have adequate coverage across both days.
> We will endeavour to get your volunteer t-shirt and lanyard to your
> before hand so that you can be easily identified. We also have a mobile
> phone for each airport so that you don't have to give out your own
> number/use your own credit.
> We will also need further volunteers on campus helping to set rooms up
> with AV, setup sponsor banners, setup rego desk, etc. If you're
> available at all that weekend your help would be greatly appreciated.
> If there's any questions feel free to ask here on the list, we'll get
> your preferences locked into the run sheet as they come in and we can
> move things around as the week progress if the need arises.
> See you all in just over a week!
> Thanks,
> David

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