From info at Sun Dec 6 20:47:02 2015 From: info at (Kathy Reid - Team 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay) Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2015 20:47:02 +1100 Subject: [Volunteers] Second keynote to be announced at 8am tomorrow Message-ID: <> Good evening, amazing Volunteers, Again a huge thanks for Volunteering at 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay. We couldn't be doing it without your support. This note is to let you know that at 8am tomorrow we will be announcing our second keynote Speaker, Ms Catarina Mota (please don't disclose this until after 8am tomorrow). We'd really appreciate you helping to spread the word throughout your networks, and in doing so, fostering strong registrations. Our registrations have been great, and we'd like to make them even stronger! This is the message that will be released at 8am tomorrow. Many thanks in advance for helping to spread the word, Kind regards, Kathy Reid OpenMaterials and EverywhereTech Founder Catarina Mota to headline 2016 Open hardware luminary, TED Fellow and future materials industry leader, Catarina Mota, will be one of four outstanding keynotes for in February 2016. Mota is co-founder of - a project dedicated to furthering exploration of ?smart materials? - conductive ink, electronics that run off energy generated by the human body and new generations of plastics that have memory. She recently founded Everywhere Tech - an organisation facilitating open source technology transfer to foster resilient communities around the world. Her passion is to encourage the ?maker? in all of us - motivating a new generation?s interest in science, technology and collaboration. This passion extends to her current pursuits - doctoral academic research into the social impact of open and collaborative practices for the development of technologies. "I'm very much looking forward to the wonderful LCA. Long before there was open source hardware/materials, there was open source software and Linux - I can't wait for the opportunity to learn from the community who paved the way for the rest of us." Conference 2IC Kathy Reid was delighted to announce Ms Mota as Keynote Speaker. ?I first heard Catarina speak at LinuxCon Europe in Barcelona in 2012 and was simply awestruck. Her passion, her empathy, and sincere desire to make the world a better place through technology is so incredibly inspirational. Catarina?s work at the intersection of technology, collaboration and humanity is such a natural fit for 2016?s theme of ?Life is better with Linux?. We?re honoured to be able to welcome her to Geelong in February.? One of the most respected technical conferences in Australia, Linux Conference Australia ( will make Geelong home between 1st-5th February 2016. The conference is expected to attract over 500 national and international professional and hobbyist developers, technicians and innovative hardware specialists, and will feature nearly 100 Speakers and presentations over five days. Deakin University?s stunning Waterfront Campus will host the conference, leveraging state of the art networking and audio visual facilities. The conference delivers Delegates a range of presentations and tutorials on topics such as open source hardware, open source operating systems and open source software, storage, containers and related issues such as patents, copyright and technical community development. Linux is a computer operating system, in the same way that MacOS, Windows, Android and iOS are operating systems. It can be used on desktop computers, servers, and increasingly on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Linux embodies the ?open source? paradigm of software development, which holds that source code ? the code that is used to give computers and mobile devices functionality ? should be ?open?. That is, the source code should be viewable, modifiable and shareable by the entire community. There are a number of benefits to the open source paradigm, including facilitating innovation, sharing and re-use. The ?open? paradigm is increasingly extending to other areas such as open government, open culture, open health and open education. Potential Delegates and Speakers are encouraged to remain up to date with conference news through one of the following channels; Website: Twitter: @linuxconfau, hashtag #lca2016 Facebook: Google+: Lanyrd: IRC: on Email: info at Announce mailing list: We warmly encourage you to forward this announcement to technical communities you may be involved in. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From info at Mon Dec 7 21:45:13 2015 From: info at (Kathy Reid - Team 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay) Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2015 21:45:13 +1100 Subject: [Volunteers] OpenMaterials and EverywhereTech Founder Catarina Mota to headline 2016 Message-ID: <> OpenMaterials and EverywhereTech Founder Catarina Mota to headline 2016 Open hardware luminary, TED Fellow and future materials industry leader, Catarina Mota, will be one of four outstanding keynotes for in February 2016. Mota is co-founder of - a project dedicated to furthering exploration of ?smart materials? - conductive ink, electronics that run off energy generated by the human body and new generations of plastics that have memory. She recently founded Everywhere Tech - an organisation facilitating open source technology transfer to foster resilient communities around the world. Her passion is to encourage the ?maker? in all of us - motivating a new generation?s interest in science, technology and collaboration. This passion extends to her current pursuits - doctoral academic research into the social impact of open and collaborative practices for the development of technologies. "I'm very much looking forward to the wonderful LCA. Long before there was open source hardware/materials, there was open source software and Linux - I can't wait for the opportunity to learn from the community who paved the way for the rest of us." Conference 2IC Kathy Reid was delighted to announce Ms Mota as Keynote Speaker. ?I first heard Catarina speak at LinuxCon Europe in Barcelona in 2012 and was simply awestruck. Her passion, her empathy, and sincere desire to make the world a better place through technology is so incredibly inspirational. Catarina?s work at the intersection of technology, collaboration and humanity is such a natural fit for 2016?s theme of ?Life is better with Linux?. We?re honoured to be able to welcome her to Geelong in February.? One of the most respected technical conferences in Australia, Linux Conference Australia ( will make Geelong home between 1st-5th February 2016. The conference is expected to attract over 500 national and international professional and hobbyist developers, technicians and innovative hardware specialists, and will feature nearly 100 Speakers and presentations over five days. Deakin University?s stunning Waterfront Campus will host the conference, leveraging state of the art networking and audio visual facilities. The conference delivers Delegates a range of presentations and tutorials on topics such as open source hardware, open source operating systems and open source software, storage, containers and related issues such as patents, copyright and technical community development. Linux is a computer operating system, in the same way that MacOS, Windows, Android and iOS are operating systems. It can be used on desktop computers, servers, and increasingly on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Linux embodies the ?open source? paradigm of software development, which holds that source code ? the code that is used to give computers and mobile devices functionality ? should be ?open?. That is, the source code should be viewable, modifiable and shareable by the entire community. There are a number of benefits to the open source paradigm, including facilitating innovation, sharing and re-use. The ?open? paradigm is increasingly extending to other areas such as open government, open culture, open health and open education. Potential Delegates and Speakers are encouraged to remain up to date with conference news through one of the following channels; Website: Twitter: @linuxconfau, hashtag #lca2016 Facebook: Google+: Lanyrd: IRC: on Email: info at Announce mailing list: We warmly encourage you to forward this announcement to technical communities you may be involved in. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From info at Sun Dec 20 11:00:15 2015 From: info at (Kathy Reid - Team 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay) Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2015 11:00:15 +1100 Subject: [Volunteers] Third Keynote Speaker announcement will drop tomorrow at 8am Message-ID: <> G'day awesome Volunteers! Firstly, on behalf of David and the whole Core Team, we'd like to take the opportunity to wish you and your families and loved ones a wonderful holiday season, and to thank you again for Volunteering for, the premier open source conference in Australia. We'd like to let you know in advance that our third keynote will be announced tomorrow morning at 8am on social media channels, and we'd really appreciate your help in amplifying the message across various social media networks. Next steps We're putting together a run sheet for the event with all the various tasks that will need to be done so that we can give you reasonable notice of what you might be expected to do during the event. Stay tuned! Best wishes, David, Kathy and the Core Team === Chair of Internet Australia George Fong to keynote 2016 Geelong Regional and rural technology advocate, Federation University Council Member, former lawyer and Chair of Internet Australia, George Fong, will be one of four outstanding keynotes for in February 2016. Eminently respected within the region for his tireless efforts in advancing technology access, governance and inclusion, his advice and counsel is sought far and wide. Most recently, Fong has been a driving force in the rebranding of the Internet Society of Australia into Internet Australia, transforming the organisation to be relevant and representative of a broad cross-section of Australians. ?Internet Australia is the peak body representing everyone who uses the Internet. Much of our work is dedicated to keeping the Internet as open and free from undue government interference as possible and seeing innovation thrive in the sector. It goes without saying that a significant part of that process is fueled by the open source and linux community.? There are new challenges in maintaining the integrity and utility of the Internet. Those challenges are redefining who we are in the technical community and what our roles and responsibilities are for communities and businesses nationally and internationally? Conference Director David Bell was thrilled to announce that Mr Fong would be keynoting. ?We?re delighted to be able to bring George?s considered wisdom, academic intellect and world view to 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay. The need for well researched, inclusive and representative technology policies is more important than ever given the disruption the world faces in coming years?. One of the most respected technical conferences in Australia, Linux Conference Australia ( will make Geelong home between 1st-5th February 2016. The conference is expected to attract over 500 national and international professional and hobbyist developers, technicians and innovative hardware specialists, and will feature nearly 100 Speakers and presentations over five days. Deakin University?s stunning Waterfront Campus will host the conference, leveraging state of the art networking and audio visual facilities. The conference delivers Delegates a range of presentations and tutorials on topics such as open source hardware, open source operating systems and open source software, storage, containers and related issues such as patents, copyright and technical community development. Linux is a computer operating system, in the same way that MacOS, Windows, Android and iOS are operating systems. It can be used on desktop computers, servers, and increasingly on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Linux embodies the ?open source? paradigm of software development, which holds that source code ? the code that is used to give computers and mobile devices functionality ? should be ?open?. That is, the source code should be viewable, modifiable and shareable by the entire community. There are a number of benefits to the open source paradigm, including facilitating innovation, sharing and re-use. The ?open? paradigm is increasingly extending to other areas such as open government, open culture, open health and open education. Potential Delegates and Speakers are encouraged to remain up to date with conference news through one of the following channels; Website: Twitter: @linuxconfau, hashtag #lca2016 Facebook: Google+: Lanyrd: IRC: on Email: info at Announce mailing list: We warmly encourage you to forward this announcement to technical communities you may be involved in. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From info at Wed Dec 30 14:38:25 2015 From: info at (Kathy Reid - Team 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay) Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2015 14:38:25 +1100 Subject: [Volunteers] Would anyone like to run the traditional 'Beginners' session on Sunday 31st January? Message-ID: <> Good afternoon awesome folk, Firstly, we trust you and your loved ones had a wonderful holiday, and we wish you all the best for the upcoming New Year. As many may know, the Founder of, Rusty Russell, normally does a 'Welcome' session for first timers to This year, due to an impending new family arrival, Rusty won't be able to do the Sunday Welcome session. Do we have any takers to deliver the session instead? The session is intended for those new to to get a handle on what the conference is about, and what to expect. With kind regards, Your awesome LCA2016 conference crew From apam at Wed Dec 30 15:01:31 2015 From: apam at (Andrew Pam) Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2015 15:01:31 +1100 Subject: [Volunteers] [LCA2016-Chat] Would anyone like to run the traditional 'Beginners' session on Sunday 31st January? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> On 30/12/15 14:38, Kathy Reid - Team 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay wrote: > Firstly, we trust you and your loved ones had a wonderful holiday, and > we wish you all the best for the upcoming New Year. The same to you and yours! > As many may know, the Founder of, Rusty Russell, > normally does a 'Welcome' session for first timers to > This year, due to an impending new family arrival, Rusty won't be able > to do the Sunday Welcome session. > > Do we have any takers to deliver the session instead? The session is > intended for those new to to get a handle on what the > conference is about, and what to expect. What time on Sunday? It's not on the LCA website programme: I am current president of Linux Users Victoria, attended CALU and all but two LCA since then, and would be willing to run the welcome session depending when I will be arriving in Geelong and whether I have booked accommodation for the Sunday night already. Is there any material that you would like covered? Cheers, Andrew From dbalder at Wed Dec 30 18:00:13 2015 From: dbalder at (Davor Balder) Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2015 18:00:13 +1100 Subject: [Volunteers] [LCA2016-Chat] Would anyone like to run the traditional 'Beginners' session on Sunday 31st January? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Good afternoon Kathy, I too would be delighted to assist. Some of my family are living in Geelong and my accommodation arrangements are pretty much sorted. I am also a Linux Users of Victoria member and a Linux veteran and I enjoy introducing new users to our operating system. I trust my skills and enthusiasm will be of use to the team. Kind regards, Davor Balder On 12/30/2015 02:38 PM, Kathy Reid - Team 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay wrote: > Good afternoon awesome folk, > > Firstly, we trust you and your loved ones had a wonderful holiday, and > we wish you all the best for the upcoming New Year. > > As many may know, the Founder of, Rusty Russell, > normally does a 'Welcome' session for first timers to > This year, due to an impending new family arrival, Rusty won't be able > to do the Sunday Welcome session. > > Do we have any takers to deliver the session instead? The session is > intended for those new to to get a handle on what the > conference is about, and what to expect. > > With kind regards, > > Your awesome LCA2016 conference crew > _______________________________________________ > Chat mailing list > Chat at > From hugh at Wed Dec 30 18:38:56 2015 From: hugh at (Hugh Blemings) Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2015 18:38:56 +1100 Subject: [Volunteers] [lca-announce] Would anyone like to run the traditional 'Beginners' session on Sunday 31st January? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> On 30/12/2015 14:38, Announcements wrote: > Good afternoon awesome folk, > > Firstly, we trust you and your loved ones had a wonderful holiday, and > we wish you all the best for the upcoming New Year. > > As many may know, the Founder of, Rusty Russell, normally > does a 'Welcome' session for first timers to This year, > due to an impending new family arrival, Rusty won't be able to do the > Sunday Welcome session. > > Do we have any takers to deliver the session instead? The session is > intended for those new to to get a handle on what the > conference is about, and what to expect. I'm still finalising travel but anticipate being in Sunday morning, so happy to assist the other volunteers that have already put their hands up. I've had the good fortune to be at CALU and all the LCAs that have followed and can even remember much of it :) If there is going to be a number of folk contributing, which is excellent, may I suggest we collaborate somehow or that the organising committee give someone the nod to be the person most responsible ? :) Cheers, Hugh From mike.carden at Wed Dec 30 19:03:23 2015 From: mike.carden at (Mike Carden) Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2015 19:03:23 +1100 Subject: [Volunteers] [lca-announce] Would anyone like to run the traditional 'Beginners' session on Sunday 31st January? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: I nominate Paul Fenwick (without knowing if he'll even be there). -- crash -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From marc at Wed Dec 30 22:48:51 2015 From: marc at (Marc MERLIN) Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2015 03:48:51 -0800 Subject: [Volunteers] [LCA2016-Chat] [lca-announce] Would anyone like to run the traditional 'Beginners' session on Sunday 31st January? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 07:03:23PM +1100, Mike Carden wrote: > I nominate Paul Fenwick (without knowing if he'll even be there). But only if he wears a white lab coat, safety goggles, and has test tubes with glowing green liquids in them :) Marc -- "A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R. Microsoft is to operating systems .... .... what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking Home page: | PGP 1024R/763BE901 From arjen at Thu Dec 31 10:19:43 2015 From: arjen at (arjen at Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2015 09:19:43 +1000 Subject: [Volunteers] [LCA2016-Chat] [lca-announce] Would anyone like to run the traditional 'Beginners' session on Sunday 31st January? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: I reckon Hugh would be excellent! It doesn't need lots of presenters.