[Miniconfs] Expected Miniconf attendance - raw numbers from registrations

Kathy Reid - Speaker Liaison, linux.conf.au 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay speakers at lcabythebay.org.au
Thu Jan 21 13:26:22 AEDT 2016

Hi everyone,

Firstly a big thanks to everyone for working really hard to get me their 
Miniconf Schedules - we're just waiting on Kernel Miniconf now and we 
have a full complement.

One of the questions that often arises around now is 'how many people 
have expressed an interest in my Miniconf'? An excellent question, and 
big thanks to Dr Alan Rubin for raising it!

To provide an indication, some stats are below, but the things you need 
to keep in mind when reading them are;

  * Delegates can indicate multiple Miniconf preferences in their
  * Many Delegates will jump between different Miniconfs during the day
  * And some Delegates often 'Hallway Track' during most of the conference
  * A good guide is that you'd have around half of the people indicated

Here are the raw figures;

  * We've sold 558 tickets overall
  * Of which 18 are Miniconf (Monday Only) tickets
  * Of which 4 are Miniconf (Tuesday Only) tickets
  * Of which 7 are Miniconf (both day) tickets
  * Open Hardware is limited to 30 places, all subscribed

Kind regards,
Kathy Reid

Monday Multimedia + Music <https://linux.conf.au/product/15> 	98
Tuesday Systems Administration <https://linux.conf.au/product/22> 	295
Monday Open Cloud <https://linux.conf.au/product/14> 	232
Monday Open Hardware <https://linux.conf.au/product/16> 	223
Monday Documentation <https://linux.conf.au/product/18> 	97
Monday Open Source and Bioinformatics 
<https://linux.conf.au/product/19> 	95
Monday Linux Kernel <https://linux.conf.au/product/17> 	181
Tuesday Open Radio <https://linux.conf.au/product/20> 	121
Tuesday Open Knowledge <https://linux.conf.au/product/24> 	110
Tuesday Community Leadership Summit X 
<https://linux.conf.au/product/26> 	81
Tuesday Functional Programming <https://linux.conf.au/product/23> 	177

Kathy Reid
@linuxconfau | #lca2016
linux.conf.au 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay

+61 488 394 885

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