From info at Mon Dec 7 21:45:13 2015 From: info at (Kathy Reid - Team 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay) Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2015 21:45:13 +1100 Subject: [Miniconfs] OpenMaterials and EverywhereTech Founder Catarina Mota to headline 2016 Message-ID: <> OpenMaterials and EverywhereTech Founder Catarina Mota to headline 2016 Open hardware luminary, TED Fellow and future materials industry leader, Catarina Mota, will be one of four outstanding keynotes for in February 2016. Mota is co-founder of - a project dedicated to furthering exploration of ?smart materials? - conductive ink, electronics that run off energy generated by the human body and new generations of plastics that have memory. She recently founded Everywhere Tech - an organisation facilitating open source technology transfer to foster resilient communities around the world. Her passion is to encourage the ?maker? in all of us - motivating a new generation?s interest in science, technology and collaboration. This passion extends to her current pursuits - doctoral academic research into the social impact of open and collaborative practices for the development of technologies. "I'm very much looking forward to the wonderful LCA. Long before there was open source hardware/materials, there was open source software and Linux - I can't wait for the opportunity to learn from the community who paved the way for the rest of us." Conference 2IC Kathy Reid was delighted to announce Ms Mota as Keynote Speaker. ?I first heard Catarina speak at LinuxCon Europe in Barcelona in 2012 and was simply awestruck. Her passion, her empathy, and sincere desire to make the world a better place through technology is so incredibly inspirational. Catarina?s work at the intersection of technology, collaboration and humanity is such a natural fit for 2016?s theme of ?Life is better with Linux?. We?re honoured to be able to welcome her to Geelong in February.? One of the most respected technical conferences in Australia, Linux Conference Australia ( will make Geelong home between 1st-5th February 2016. The conference is expected to attract over 500 national and international professional and hobbyist developers, technicians and innovative hardware specialists, and will feature nearly 100 Speakers and presentations over five days. Deakin University?s stunning Waterfront Campus will host the conference, leveraging state of the art networking and audio visual facilities. The conference delivers Delegates a range of presentations and tutorials on topics such as open source hardware, open source operating systems and open source software, storage, containers and related issues such as patents, copyright and technical community development. Linux is a computer operating system, in the same way that MacOS, Windows, Android and iOS are operating systems. It can be used on desktop computers, servers, and increasingly on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Linux embodies the ?open source? paradigm of software development, which holds that source code ? the code that is used to give computers and mobile devices functionality ? should be ?open?. That is, the source code should be viewable, modifiable and shareable by the entire community. There are a number of benefits to the open source paradigm, including facilitating innovation, sharing and re-use. The ?open? paradigm is increasingly extending to other areas such as open government, open culture, open health and open education. Potential Delegates and Speakers are encouraged to remain up to date with conference news through one of the following channels; Website: Twitter: @linuxconfau, hashtag #lca2016 Facebook: Google+: Lanyrd: IRC: on Email: info at Announce mailing list: We warmly encourage you to forward this announcement to technical communities you may be involved in. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From speakers at Tue Dec 29 10:34:31 2015 From: speakers at (Kathy Reid - Speaker Liaison, 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay) Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2015 10:34:31 +1100 Subject: [Miniconfs] Miniconfs - quick touch base Message-ID: <> Hi everyone, Firstly, we all hope you had a wonderful Christmas and holiday season, and wish you and your loved ones a happy New Year! This is just a courtesy 'touch base' email to see how everyone is going with their CfP / Schedule and to shake out any issues early on. Unless we hear otherwise, we'll assume that everything is progressing smoothly, but we're here to assist with getting the word out about CfP and your Miniconf. If there are any edits you'd like us to make to your Miniconf abstract on the Conference site, please let me know. We'd also like to let you know that unfortunately the Astronomy Miniconf will not be going ahead this year. I'd like to take the opportunity to thank Jessica for all her efforts around the Astronomy Miniconf, both this year and in previous years, and we hope to see the Miniconf back in future years. We're currently finalising room bookings and AV equipment and will advise of AV requirements and any room swaps as soon as possible. As always, we're here to help, and are super excited about in just under 5 weeks! Kind regards, Kathy -- Kathy Reid @linuxconfau | #lca2016 2016 Geelong - LCA By the Bay +61 418 130 636