[LCA2016-Announce] Slot available in Multimedia and Music miniconf due to speaker withdrawal

Andreas Frisch fraxinas at opendreambox.org
Tue Jan 26 18:56:56 AEDT 2016

Dear Silvia and Jonathan,

in case you are totally unable to fill the slot(s), I guess I could come up 
with something about the open source set-top-box embedded multi-standard 
streaming server that i wrote.
or another thing that i could talk about is our platform, DREAMBOX, in 
general. back in the days, it was the first linux-driven satellite receiver 
that there was. about that i've got a talk abstract ready in case you're 
interested, let me know :) 


Am Dienstag, 26. Januar 2016, 11:20:38 CET schrieb Jonathan Woithe:
> Hi everyone
> Unfortunately one of our speakers in the Multimedia and Music Miniconf has
> had to withdraw their presentation because they are now unable to attend
> LCA2016.  This means that I have a 45 minute slot (or two 20 minute slots)
> available.  It would be great to fill these, so if anyone attending LCA2016
> would like to talk about a multimedia or music related topic now's your
> chance!  Please contact me as soon as possible and we can work though the
> details.
> The schedule gap is currently from 13:20 to 14:15 but I could rearrange
> things if needed to fit in with existing commitments during the day.
> Jonathan Woithe and Silvia Pfeiffer
> (LCA2016 Multimedia and Music Miniconf organisers)
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